Friday January 31, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm EST
General, open to all. How is technical theatre perceived on your campus? How many of your peers actually know what technical theatre is? How diverse and inclusive is the technical theatre program at your school? These are all questions I am exploring in my senior honors thesis project. My final project is study of the lighting design process, documenting each step as well as hosting a talkback after a show to discuss the process with audience members. I want to be able to talk to fellow students and educators before this project runs next Fall to gain differing perspectives of not just their lighting design area, but also what their technical theatre program is like. What are your experiences? How can we expose invisible labor? How can we change the conversation? How can we continue to make technical theatre a diverse and inclusive space not just for theatre majors, but everyone? I hope to create a space where we can discuss how to make technical theatre and lighting design a more exposed area and how to expand upon diversity and inclusion going forward. Come and share your experiences and perspectives!

Jillian Martin

Eastern Connecticut State University
As a student currently studying technical theatre and lighting design, I am still learning how to contribute to the theatre field, especially in terms of diversity and inclusion. While I might not have a lot to share, what I do know is that I am one of the only women in the technical... Read More →
Friday January 31, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm EST
Philbrick Student Center

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